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TOP 10 ChatGPT prompts to do Keyword Research in 2024

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Do you want to do keyword research for your blog, social media, and more with ChatGPT?

Keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing the words and phrases that your target audience uses to search for information online.

Keyword research helps you optimize your content for SEO and reach more people who are interested in your niche.

However keyword research can also be complicated and time-consuming. You have to use various tools, analyze data, and find relevant and profitable keywords for your content.

What if I told you there is a way to do keyword research faster and easier using ChatGPT?

Yes, you heard that right. ChatGPT can help you do keyword research for your blog, social media, and more with effective AI prompts.

These AI prompts will help you:

  • Generate a list of seed keywords for your niche
  • Generate a list of long-tail keywords for your content
  • Generate a list of related keywords for your content
  • Generate a list of questions and topics for your content

Let’s begin!

AI prompts for Keyword Research

Prompt 1

Finding the right keywords can be a troublesome task in the SEO world. That’s why it might be a good idea to get a hand from ChatGPT using the prompts we curated for you!

Prompt 2

Identify the top keywords related to e-commerce that will drive the most relevant traffic to our website [Website] and increase search engine visibility. Gather data on search volume, competition, and related keywords. The keywords should be relevant to our target audience and align with our content marketing strategy.

Prompt 3

Suppose you’re an SEO lead; suggest some high-volume, low-difficulty keywords for [topic of interest].

Prompt 4

Provide me with long-tail, high-volume, low-difficulty keywords for [topic of interest] as if you’re a content marketer.

Prompt 5

I need a table of the top competitors for ‘Topic’ and their URLs curated by a keyword strategist.

Prompt 6

Act like an SEO expert having accurate and detailed information about keywords and create a list of 5 SEO keywords related to the following blog post section [blog post section].

Prompt 7

Act as an SEO manager and research the top 10 SEO keyword strategies for [topic]. Organize the search intention (commercial, transactional, or informational) for the listed keywords in a table format:…

Prompt 8

As a content strategist, create a compilation of X frequently asked questions about , that are pertinent for the new .

Prompt 9

Suppose you’re a keyword researcher, create a list of listicle content keywords for the [topic].

Prompt 10

You’re an online marketing manager, make a list of broad topics relevant to [topic] and expand each topic with a list of phrases you think your customers use.


So these were some of the ChatGPT prompts that you can use to do keyword research for your blog, social media, and more.

These prompts will help you save time, energy, and money by letting ChatGPT handle the keyword research for you.

You can use ChatGPT to do keyword research for any niche, topic, or purpose.

You can also use same prompts for any other AI tool like Bard, Bing etc.

Share this post with your network because good things become great by sharing.


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FAQ : ChatGPT prompts for keyword research
Is ChatGPT good for keyword research?

ChatGPT can be good for keyword research, but it has some limitations. ChatGPT can help you brainstorm keyword ideas, find related terms and concepts, and analyze the competitive landscape based on a given prompt or topic.

How to use ChatGPT for SEO research?

To use ChatGPT for SEO research, you can use some creative prompts to get insights from ChatGPT on various SEO aspects, such as content creation, title tags, meta descriptions, schema markup, regex, hreflang tags, and more. 

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  1. Your article helped me a lot, is there any more related content? Thanks!