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15 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Copywriting in 2024

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Do you want to use ChatGPT to create amazing copywriting for your business, online earning, or personal growth?

Copywriting is the art and science of writing persuasive and engaging text that motivates your audience to take action. Copywriting can help you sell your products, services, or offers, grow your audience, and build your brand.

But copywriting can also be challenging and time-consuming. You have to research, write, edit, and optimize your copy for your target audience, niche, and purpose.

What if I told you there is a way to create amazing copywriting faster and easier using ChatGPT?

Yes, you heard that right. ChatGPT can help you create amazing copywriting using these ChatGPT prompts that I am going to share with you in this blog post.

With these ChatGPT prompts, you can:

  • Generate catchy and compelling headlines and subheadlines for your copy
  • Generate captivating and convincing introductions and conclusions for your copy
  • Generate persuasive and powerful body paragraphs and bullet points for your copy
  • Generate effective and emotional calls to action and testimonials for your copy

And much more!

All you have to do is copy and paste these prompts into ChatGPT and let the AI do the copywriting for you.

Ready to use ChatGPT to create amazing copywriting?

Let’s get started

ChatGPT Prompts for copywriting

Prompt 1

As a copywriter, write a script for a video advertisement emphasizing the benefits of reducing waste and promoting sustainability using a knowledgeable and appealing tone for eco-conscious customers. Make sure the tone is informative and persuasive.

Prompt 2

As a web content specialist, draft a script for an Instagram advertisement that exudes confidence and appeals to fashion-conscious customers. The advertisement should highlight how the product keeps individuals updated with the latest fashion trends and helps them look their best.

Prompt 3

As a web content manager, create a script for a YouTube video ad with a friendly tone for pet owners. The advertisement should highlight the benefits of using the product in providing comfort and better care for furry friends.

Prompt 4

As a blogger, write a professional and persuasive email template for a lead-generation campaign targeting business-oriented customers. The email should highlight how the product [X] helps improve productivity and efficiency in the workplace.

Prompt 5

As a digital content creator, draft an approachable sales letter to potential customers emphasizing the time management benefits of the product [X], as busy customers are the target audience.

Prompt 6

As a copy editor experienced in SEO, craft an inspiring short story highlighting the product [X]’s features aimed at wellness-focused customers, emphasizing how it promotes a healthy balance and enhances overall happiness.

Prompt 7

As a content creator, write a friendly headline for a blog article targeting family-oriented customers, highlighting the product [X]’s benefits in enabling them to spend more quality time with their loved ones.

Prompt 8

As a content marketer, draft a confident social media post for a sale event targeting tech- savvy customers, emphasizing the product [X]’s ability to help them stay ahead of the latest technological trends.

Prompt 9

As an experienced content writer, write an inspiring call-to-action for a landing page, targeting creative customers, highlighting the product [X]’s ability to bring their imaginative ideas to life.

Prompt 10

As a social media content creator, craft a trustworthy script for a virtual event invitation, targeting security-conscious customers, emphasizing the product [X]’s ability to provide a sense of safety and security in their daily lives.

Prompt 11

As a copywriter, draft a script for a Facebook advertisement with a fun and energetic tone targeting young adults. The advertisement should highlight how the product simplifies and improves their daily lives, making it easier for them to focus on the things that matter most.

Prompt 12

As a content creator, write a script for a TV commercial that appeals to families with young children. The advertisement should highlight the benefits of the product in providing a safe and secure environment for kids to play and learn.

Prompt 13

As a social media manager, create a script for an influencer collaboration aimed at fitness- conscious customers. The advertisement should highlight how the product enhances their workouts, improves their health, and helps them reach their fitness goals.

Prompt 14

As a marketer, write a script for a radio advertisement targeting busy professionals. The advertisement should highlight how the product saves time and provides convenience in their fast-paced lives, allowing them to focus on the things that matter most.

Prompt 15

As a content strategist, write a script for a Snapchat advertisement aimed at college students. The advertisement should highlight how the product provides affordable and practical solutions for their everyday needs, making it easier for them to manage their finances and live stress-free lives on campus.


So these were some of the ChatGPT prompts that you can use to create amazing copywriting.

These prompts will help you save time, energy, and money by letting ChatGPT handle the copywriting for you.

You can use ChatGPT to create copywriting for any niche, topic, or purpose.

Share this post with your network because good things become great by sharing.


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FAQ : Copywriting prompts

What is a content prompt?

A content prompt is a starting point or an idea that helps you create content. It can be a word, a phrase, a question, or a scenario that inspires you to write something unique and engaging.

How do I prompt ChatGPT for copywriting?

To prompt ChatGPT for copywriting, you need to provide a clear and specific instruction that describes the type, topic, tone, and length of the copy you want. For example, you can write something like “Write a catchy headline for an article about the benefits of meditation.” ChatGPT will then generate a headline based on your instruction. You can also add more details or specifications to your instruction, such as the target audience, the keywords, the format, the style, etc. ChatGPT will try to accommodate your requests as much as possible. However, you should always review and edit the output before using it, as ChatGPT may not be accurate or up-to-date on some topics.

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